Intro to Metaballs
Paul Heckbert, 9 Nov 92
Marco Pugliese writes:
In the No. 1 (sept./oct. 1992) of Tech Images Internationales, they talk
about "meta ball", a unique primitive that makes smooth-surfaced images,
Here are the papers I know about. I'm sure this isn't a complete bibliography,
however. I'll point out some of the differences in terminology as I summarize
the papers below.
People have known for a long time that if you have two implicit surfaces
f(x,y,z)=0 and g(x,y,z)=0 that are fairly continuous, with a common sign
convention (f and g positive on the inside, negative on the outside, say) then
the implicit surface defined by f+g=0 is a blend of the shapes. See [Ricci
1983] for a variant of this.
The van der Waals surfaces of molecules (roughly speaking, iso-potentials of
the electron density) are described in Chemistry and Physics books and [Max
1983]. To create animation of DNA for Carl Sagan's COSMOS TV Series, Jim
Blinn proposed approximating each atom by a Gaussian potential, and using
superposition of these potentials to define a surface. He ray traced these
[Blinn 1982], and called them "blobby models".
Shortly thereafter, people at Osaka University and at Toyo Links in Japan began
using blobby models also. They called theirs "metaballs" (or, when misspelled,
"meatballs"). Yoichiro Kawaguchi became a big user of their software and their
Links parallel processor machine to create his "Growth" animations which have
appeared in the SIGGRAPH film show over the years. The graduate students
implementing the metaball software under Koichi Omura at Osaka used a piecewise
quadratic approximation to the Gaussian, however, for faster ray-surface
intersection testing (no need for iterative root finders; you just solve a
quadratic). I don't know of any papers by the Japanese on their blobby
modeling work, which is too bad, because they have probably pushed the
technique further than anyone.
Bloomenthal has discussed techniques for modeling organic forms (trees, leaves,
arms) using blobby techniques [Bloomenthal 1991] (though he prefers the term
"implicit modeling") and for polygonizing these using adaptive, surface-
tracking octrees [Bloomenthal 1988]. The latter algorithm is not limited to
blobby models, but works for any implicit model, not just blobs.
Polygonization allows fast z-buffer renderers to be used instead of ray tracers,
for interactive previewing of shapes. A less general variant of this algorithm
was described in the "marching cubes" paper by [Lorensen 87] and some bugs in
this paper have been discussed in the scientific visualization community in the
years since. In the sci-vis community, people call them "iso-surfaces" not
"implicit surfaces".
Meanwhile, in Canada and New Zealand, the Wyvill brothers, and grad students,
were doing investigating many of the same ideas: approximations of Gaussians,
animation, and other ideas. See their papers listed below. Rather than
"blobbies" or "metaballs", they called their creations "soft objects". But
it's really the same idea.
Bloomenthal and Wyvill collected many good papers on blobby and implicit
modeling for a recent SIGGRAPH tutorial (1991?).
%A A. Ricci
%T A Constructive Geometry for Computer Graphics
%J Computer Journal
%V 16
%N 2
%D May 1973
%P 157-160
%K blob, CSG
%A Nelson L. Max
%T Computer Representation of Molecular Surfaces
%J IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
%V 3
%N 7
%D Aug. 1983
%P 21-29
%O reprinted in Nicograph '83 Proceedings, 1983, pp. 323-331.
%A James F. Blinn
%T A Generalization of Algebraic Surface Drawing
%J ACM Trans. on Graphics
%V 1
%N 3
%D July 1982
%P 235-256
%Z ray tracing "blobby" models: finding roots of sums of gaussians
%K ray tracing, blob, root finding
%A Paul S. Heckbert
%T Fun With Gaussians
%R (3DTM 12, NYIT Computer Graphics Lab, Mar. 1985)
%B SIGGRAPH '86 Advanced Image Processing seminar notes
%D Aug. 1986
%K filter, image processing, interpolation, spline, blob
%Z includes very brief discussion of approximating a Gaussian with
piecewise quadratic for faster ray tracing of blobby models
%A Jules Bloomenthal
%T Polygonization of Implicit Surfaces
%J Computer Aided Geometric Design
%V 5
%D 1988
%P 341-355
%K implicit, parametric, surface, blob
%A Jules Bloomenthal
%A Ken Shoemake
%T Convolution Surfaces
%J Computer Graphics
(SIGGRAPH '91 Proceedings)
%V 25
%N 4
%D July 1991
%P 251-256
%K blob, implicit model
%A William E. Lorensen
%A Harvey E. Cline
%T Marching Cubes: A High Resolution 3D Surface Reconstruction Algorithm
%J Computer Graphics
(SIGGRAPH '87 Proceedings)
%V 21
%N 4
%D July 1987
%P 163-170
%I implicit surface, isosurface
%A Brian Wyvill
%A Craig McPheeters
%A Geoff Wyvill
%T Data Structure for Soft Objects
%J The Visual Computer
%V 2
%N 4
%D 1986
%P 227-234
%K blob
%A Brian Wyvill
%A Craig McPheeters
%A Geoff Wyvill
%T Animating Soft Objects
%J The Visual Computer
%V 2
%N 4
%D 1986
%P 235-242
%K blob
%Z animating blobs
%A Brian Wyvill
%A Geoff Wyvill
%T Using Soft Objects in Computer Generated Animation
%B ?
%I Springer Verlag
%D 1986
%A Geoff Wyvill
%A Brian Wyvill
%A Craig McPheeters
%T Soft Objects
%B Advanced Computer Graphics (Proc. CG Tokyo 1986)
%D 1986
%P 113-128
%K blob
%A Geoff Wyvill
%A Brian Wyvill
%A Craig McPheeters
%T Solid Texturing of Soft Objects
%B CG International '87
%C Tokyo
%D May 1987
%A Brian Wyvill
%A Geoff Wyvill
%T Field Functions for Implicit Surfaces
%J Visual Computer
%V 5
%D 1989
%P 75-82
%K blob
%A Peter Burger
%A Duncan Gillies
%T Interactive Computer Graphics: Functional, Procedural,
and Device-Level Methods
%I Addison-Wesley
%C Wokingham, England
%D 1989
%Z color image quantization, quaternions, soft objects
this is a textbook
From: Jules Bloomenthal,
11 Jun 93
- A Generalization of Algebraic Surface Drawing,
by James Blinn, Transactions on Graphics, July 1982
- The Algebraic Properties of Homogeneous Second Order Surfaces,
by James Blinn, in Mathematics of Computer Graphics course notes,
(and in Modeling and Animating with Implicit Surfaces notes, SIGGRAPH 1990)
- Exact and Least Squares Approximate Gk Fitting of Implicit Algebraic Surfaces,
by C. Bajaj, I. Ihm, and J. Warren,
Transactions on Graphics, to appear (1993)
- C1 Smoothing of Polyhedra with Implicit Algebraic Splines,
by C. Bajaj and I. Ihm, SIGGRAPH 1992
- Surface Fitting with Implicit Algebraic Surface Patches
by Chanderjit Bajaj,
in Topics in Surface Modeling, ed. by H. Hagen, SIAM Publications, 1992
- Implicit Surfaces in CSG Systems by Geoff Wyvill,
- Data Structure for Soft Objects
by G. Wyvill, C. McPheeters, and B. Wyvill,
The Visual Computer, August 1986
- Polygonization of Implicit Surfaces
by Jules Bloomenthal,
Computer Aided Geometric Design, November 1988
- Evaluation of Implicit Surface Tilers
by P. Ning and J. Bloomenthal,
Computer Graphics and Applications, to appear (1993)
- Table Driven Polygonization
by B. Wyvill and D. Jevans,
- Using Implicit Surfaces to Blend Arbitrary Solid Models
by Alyn Rockwood, Transactions on Graphics, October 1989
- Convolution Surfaces
by J. Bloomenthal and K. Shoemake, SIGGRAPH '91
- Hand Crafted
by Jules Bloomenthal,
Proc. of 4th Annual Western Computer Graphics Symposium, Banff, April 1992
- Techniques for Implicit Modeling
by Jules Bloomenthal,
Xerox PARC Technical Report P89-00106,
(and in Modeling and Animating with Implicit Surfaces notes, SIGGRAPH 1990)
- Ray Tracing Implicit Surfaces
by John Hart, unpublished
- Sphere Tracing
by John Hart, unpublished
- Ray Tracing Soft Objects
by G. Wyvill and A. Trotman, unpublished
- Texturing Implicit Surfaces
by Geoff Wyvill, unpublished
- Solid Texturing of Soft Objects
by G. Wyvill, B. Wyvill, and C. McPheeters,
Computer Graphics and Applications, December 1987
Interaction and Animation
- Interactive Techniques for Implicit Modeling
by J. Bloomenthal and B. Wyvill,
Computer Graphics, March 1990
- Animating Soft Objects
by B. Wyvill, C. McPheeters, and G. Wyvill,
The Visual Computer, August 1986
- Metamorphosis of Implicit Surfaces
by Brian Wyvill,
- Practical Uses for Implicit Surfaces in Animation
by Thad Beier,
Recommended Reading
- Free-Form Deformation of Solid Geometric Models
by Thomas Sederberg and Scott
Parry, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Smooth Piecewise Quadratic Surfaces
by W. Dahmen
in Mathematical Methods in Computer Aided Geometric Design,
ed. by T. Lyche and L. Schumaker
Academic Press, Boston, 1989
- Electronic Models of the Human Anatomy
by Bajaj, C.
in Curves and Surfaces in Computer Vision and Graphics II,
Proc. Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science & Technology,
vol. 1610, Boston, 1991, p. 230-237
- Interactions between Flexible Solids: an Implicit Formulation for a Precise Contact Modeling,
by Marie-Paule Gascuel
From: A Opalach,, 8 Feb 1994
I remember a few messages asking for references on metaballs etc. Since my
research is in this area I thought I could post the list of references I
managed to look up.
- Blinn, J. F.,
"A Generalisation of Algebraic Surface Drawing",
ACM Trans. Graphics, Vol. 1, No 3, July 1982, pp 135-256
- Bloomenthal, J.,
"Polygonization of Implicit Surfaces",
Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol5, No 4, November 1988, pp 341-355
- Bloomenthal, J. and Wyvill, B.,
"Interactive Techniques for Implicit Modelling",
Computer Graphics, Vol. 24, No 2, 1990, pp 109-116
- Bloomenthal, J. and Shoemake, K.,
"Convolution Surfaces",
Computer Graphics, Vol. 25, No 4, July 1991, pp 251-256
- Bloomenthal, J.,
"Hand crafted",
Proc. of the 4th Annual Western Computer
Graphics Symposium, Banff, Alberta, April 1992; also in Siggraph 93 Course
Notes No 25, "Modelling, Visualizing and Animating Implicit Surfaces"
- Fujita, T., Hirota, K. and Murakami, K.,
"Representation of Splashing Water using Metaball Model",
Fujitsu, 1990, Vol 41, part 2, pp 159-165, in Japanese
- Gascuel, M.-P. ,
"An Implicit Formulation for Precise Contact Modelling between Flexible
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 93 (Anaheim, California,
August 1-6, 1993). In Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference
Series, 1993, ACM SIGGRAPH, New York, pp 313-320
- Graves, G.,
"The Magic of metaballs",
Computer Graphics World, May 1993, pp 27-32
- Hart, J.,
"Ray Tracing Implicit Surfaces",
Siggraph 93 Course Notes No 25,
"Modelling, Visualizing and Animating Implicit Surfaces"
- Karla, D. and Barr, A.,
"Guaranteed Ray Intersections with Implicit Surfaces",
Computer Graphics, Vol 23, No 3, 1989, pp 297-306
- Max, N. L. and Wyvill, B.,
"Shapes and Textures for Rendering Coral",
Scientific Visualisation of Physical Phenomena, N. M. Patrikalakis (Ed.),
Springer-Verlag 1991, pp 333-343
- McPheeters, C. W.,
"Isosurface Modelling of Soft Objects in Computer Graphics",
1990, National Centre for Computer Animation, Department of
Communication and Media, Dorset Institute, PhD thesis
- Muraki, S.,
"Volumetric Shape Description of Range Data Using Blobby Model",
Computer Graphics, Vol. 25, No 4, July 1991, pp 227-235
- Ning, P. and Bloomenthal, J,
"Evaluation of Implicit Surface Tilers",
Siggraph 93 Course Notes No 25,
"Modelling, Visualizing and Animating Implicit Surfaces",
- Nishimura, H., Hirai, M., Kawai, T., Kawata, T., Shirakawa, I. and
Omura, K.,
"Object Modelling by Distribution Function and a Method of Image
The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics
and Communication Engineers of Japan, 1985, Vol. J68-D, Part 4,
pp. 718-725, in Japanese, translated into English by Takao Fujuwara
- Opalach, A. and S. Maddock,
"Implicit Surfaces: Appearance, Blending and Consistency",
proc. of 4th Eurographics Workshop on Animation and
Simulation, Barcelona, September 1993, pp 233-245
- Payne, B. A. and Toga, A. W. ,
"Distance Field Manipulation of Surface Models",
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, January 1992, pp 65-71
- Smets, J-P,
"Surfacic Textures for Animated Implicit Surfaces: the 2D case",
proc. of 4th Eurographics Workshop on Animation and Simulation, Barcelona,
September 1993, pp 221-232
- Suffern, K.,
"Recursive Space Subdivision Techniques for Rendering Implicit Surfaces",
Conf. Proc. of The Australian Conference on Computer Graphics
1989, pp 239-250
- Tatsumi, H., Takaoki, E., Omura, K. and Fujito, H.,
"A new method for 3D reconstruction from serial sections by computer
graphics using meta-balls: reconstruction of "Hepatoskeletal System" formed by
Ito Cells in the Cod Liver",
Computers and Biomedical Research ,
1990, Vol. 23, Part 1, pp 37-45
- Turk, G.,
"Re-Tiling Polygonal Surfaces",
Computer Graphics, Vol26, No 2, July 1992, pp 55-64
- Velho, L.,
"Adaptive polygonization of implicit surfaces using simplicial decomposition and boundary constraints",
Eurographics 90, C.E. Vandoni and D.A. Duce (Eds)
- Wilhelms, J. and van Gelder, A.,
"Topological Considerations in Isosurface Generation Extended Abstract",
Computer Graphics, Vol 24, No 5, November 1990, pp 79-86
- Wyvill, G. and McPheeters, C. and Wyvill, B.,
"Data Structure for Soft Objects",
The Visual Computer, Vol. 2, No 4, August 1986a, pp 227-234
- Wyvill, G. and McPheeters, C. and Wyvill, B.,
"Animating Soft Objects",
The Visual Computer, Vol. 2, No 4, August 1986b, pp 235-242
- Wyvill, G. and McPheeters, C. and Wyvill, B.,
"Solid Texturing of Soft Objects",
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol7, No 12, December
1987, pp 20-26
- Wyvill, B. and Wyvill, G.,
"Field Functions for Implicit Surfaces",
Visual Computer, Vol. 5, 1989, pp 75-82
- Wyvill, B.,
"Metamorphosis of Implicit Surfaces",
Siggraph 90 Course Notes 23,
"Modelling and Animating with Implicit Surfaces"
- Wyvill, B. and Jevans, D.,
"Table Driven Polygonization",
Siggraph 93 Course Notes No 25,
"Modelling, Visualizing and Animating Implicit Surfaces"
- Wyvill, G. and Trotman, A.,
"Ray-Tracing Soft Objects",
proc. CG International, 1990, pp 469-4